Monday, March 31, 2008

EnglisH TasK

hee, jarang2 aQ nulis about English,,

kebetulan ada tugas English, yang menurut aQ,, lumayan complicated , coz aQ paling g suka grammar..

Pas pertemuan pertama kemaren, bahas yang namanya Ing-Form..

1. Verb-ing as Simple present Continuous
2. Verb-ing as Gerund
3. Verb-Ing as Present Participle

Tujuannya, tentunya supaya kita bisa membedakan, ketika bertemu dengan suatu kalimat, apakah itu Present Cont., Gerund ataw Present Participle.

Kemudian, Qta diberi tugas, bahwa Present Participle bisa digunakan untuk :
1. forming continuous tense
2. functioning as adjectives
3. using after verb of perception

dan Qta didaulat untuk nyari contoh kalimat-nya.. dari 3 fungsi tersebut ..

Di tulisan ini aQ pengen berbagi ama temen2, mengenai tugas ini.


The present participle of most verbs has the form base+ing and is used in the following ways:

a. as part of the continuous form of a verb


# My uncle is working now,
# He was singing,
# I have been walking accross the village.

b. after verbs of perception in the pattern: verb + object + present participle


# I heard someone screaming.
# He saw his friend walking along the road.
# I can smell something burning!

Catatan: Ada perbedaan makna, ketika kalimat mengandung infinitive dan participle. Ketika dengan infinitive, merujuk kepada aksi complete, tapi participle, hanya sebagian dari aksi.

Pasti dah mulai bingung hehe,, okay biar jelas.. let see the example :

Compare (Perbandingan) :

# I heard Jane singing (= she had started before I heard her, and probably went on afterwards)
--> artinya, aQ denger Jane nyanyi (sekilas, dan sekarang dah berhenti)

# I heard Jane sing (= I heard her complete performance)
--> artinya, aQ denger Jane nyanyi (tetep nyanyi sampe aQ keluarin statement ini)

c. as an adjective


amazing, worrying, exciting, boring.

# It was an amazing film.
# It's a bit worrying when the police stop you
# Dark billowing clouds often precede a storm.
# Racing cars can go as fast as 400kph.
# He was trapped inside the burning house.
# Many of his paintings depict the setting sun.

Hope, bisa berguna ;)

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