thiz blog, I have made to share everything that I know, everything that I like and also I have learned especially about information technology, my diploma study. But sometimes all the knowledge comes from the experience, didn't? and yeah, I would like to share another things to, about what I like.. So.. keep watchin9!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Ngambil File Flash from InterneT
gw mau share ilmu neh,,
suatu pagi,, Pak Prima, guru paling banyol klo ngomong di STM nanya,, "mbak,, yeopo carane ambil file2 flash dari web site?!"
langsung gw search sana sini..
dan get many ways..
ok cara pertama :
Bila kamu pake IE, ketika km buka web yang banyak file2 flashnya,, maka secara otomatis tuh file flash kesimpen di lokasi sistem C:\Documents and Settings\(nama user)\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files, pergi aja ke siTu..
nah disiTu pasti banyak file2 aneh2.. dengan berbagai macem extensi... langsung ae cari yang mana file dengan format swf..?? dan copy paste ke mana kamu maw simpen tuh file2..
dan coba de buka,, file flash sudah ada di tangan anda..
Dan cara ke 2..
pake software :
ne maybe wat yang g terlalu suka pake IE yah,,
ada macem2 software > example :
1. saveflash
2. flash hunter
3. flash saver
nah yang sempet gw coba kemaren yang nomer 3,, yah,, lumayan ok punya juga tuh..
free ware juga..
download linknya ne ya >> Flash saver
cara jalanin programe juga gampang kok..
tinggal masukin ae alamat url tempat km maw rampok file2 flashnya, dan setelah detect.. dicentangin aja file2nya yang maw di ambil, dan download dah,,, dy otomatis akan nyimpen file2 flash di C:\my flashes.
Jadi ati2 aJa yang maybe PC-nya di deep freeze, harap pindah dulu file2 flashnya ke D: atw E:, ataw non aktifin aja yang namanya Deep Freeze tuh..
ok sekian,,, klo maybe ada tambahan,, PM me yak..
Friday, December 14, 2007
Super Pinger
Here is the download link.
It's use to detect any connection of the computer that we use as a network. We ussually us a ping command at windows command prompt. And it's limited to a few host .
Ping feature at Windows that we run is not satisfied enough if we wanna use it to detect our connection with many computers at a time.
And, for that purpose, we need one application that we can run at windows. It's called Super Pinger. With Super Pinger, we can detect our connection with host at a network, the place we operate our computer at a time and with many computers.
The used of super pinger gives so many advantages to people who were at networkbecause the feature that include at this program are quite a lot. Besides that this program is not make the system running slow.
How to operate Super Pinger??
After the download and the install process..Run the program..
Click option add ip, enter the ip address of your network. Re run the command until finish enter all the ip address. After that run the process of checking any connection with ping, click menu service --> start service.
To stop the service, click stop service at the menu service.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Blog for teacher
And,, It's so good for Indonesian that so many pe0ple that related in education can use it for a place to share their information.. every little thing! Especially to teacher,, as an important key for eduction in Indonesia...
and there are so much advantages that it gives... the example is...
- it's effective as a place to make a creation
- simple, easy and free...(it's important right.. =P)
- elegant, it's a polite media to share any of human creation
And why teacher needs to blog...??
Teacher often be left behind form the student, as an ability to operate internet, computer, and everything that based on information and communication technology..
For the teacher,, Lets use blog for sharing...
Here is one example for blog to teacher... ^^
Well.. Not only Computer teacher that can make a blog...
Every teacher can blogs...!! So .. let's blogging..;)
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Here is the download link.. (I guess all of U from the education basic will like it.. )
The eXe project is developing a freely available Open Source authoring application to assist teachers and academics in the publishing of web content without the need to become proficient in HTML or XML markup. eXe can export content as self-contained web pages or as SCORM 1.2 or IMS Content Packages.
This project has been funded by a grant from the New Zealand Government and led by the University of Auckland, The Auckland University of Technology, and Tairawhiti Polytechnic. It has also been greatly assisted by a global group of participants and contributors.
eXe was named a finalist in the New Zealand round of the IMS Global Learning Impact Awards, automatically entering it in the 2008 international competition.
The eXe project aimed to foster collaborative development involving a representative group drawn from the New Zealand tertiary sector. Strategic direction and feature development have essentially been guided by this group. The decision to develop eXe as an Open Source initiative offered the development a number of benefits. A major benefit with taking this decision has been the ability to tap into the extensive global developer community which is constantly driving the development of new technologies.
Releasing developments frequently through the Eduforge development project site has seen serious interest generated from the wider global elearning development community who have keenly tested and offered support and advice on the software throughout its development to date.Friday, November 30, 2007
THe one of the matery is about the open sorce,, include Moodle.
Maybe all of u has been familiar with this,, or already hear just now?
so let's share .. because I also already know about this one...
U can download moodle from this link.
Moodle is a software package for producing internet-based courses and web sites. It's an on going development project designed to support a social constructionist framework of education.
Moodle is provided freely as Open Source software (under the GNU Public License). Basically this means Moodle is copyrighted, but that you have additional freedoms. You are allowed to copy, use and modify Moodle provided that you agree to: provide the source to others; not modify or remove the original license and copyrights, and apply this same license to any derivative work. Read the license for full details and please contact the copyright holder directly if you have any questions.
Moodle can be installed on any computer that can run PHP, and can support a SQL type database (for example MySQL). It can be run on Windows and Mac operating systems and many flavors of linux (for example Red Hat or Debian GNU). There are many knowledgable Moodle Partners to assist you, even host your Moodle site.
The word Moodle was originally an acronym for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment, which is mostly useful to programmers and education theorists. It's also a verb that describes the process of lazily meandering through something, doing things as it occurs to you to do them, an enjoyable tinkering that often leads to insight and creativity. As such it applies both to the way Moodle was developed, and to the way a student or teacher might approach studying or teaching an online course. Anyone who uses Moodle is a Moodler.
Well.. maybe I will trY moodle,, soon...Thanks for Mr. Onno W. Purbo for the information.. ^^
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Voice over Internet Protocol
Voice over Internet Protocol, also called VoIP (pronounced voyp), IP Telephony, Internet telephony, Broadband telephony, Broadband Phone and Voice over Broadband is the routing of voice conversations over the Internet or through any other IP-based network.
Companies providing VoIP service are commonly referred to as providers, and protocols which are used to carry voice signals over the IP network are commonly referred to as Voice over IP or VoIP protocols. They may be viewed as commercial realizations of the experimental Network Voice Protocol (1973) invented for the ARPANET providers. Some cost savings are due to utilizing a single network to carry voice and data, especially where users have existing underutilized network capacity that can carry VoIP at no additional cost. VoIP to VoIP phone calls are sometimes free, while VoIP to public switched telephone networks, PSTN, may have a cost that is borne by the VoIP user.
Voice over IP protocols carry telephony signals as digital audio, typically reduced in data rate using speech data compression techniques, encapsulated in a data packet stream over IP.
There are two types of PSTN to VoIP services: Direct Inward Dialing (DID) and access numbers. DID will connect the caller directly to the VoIP user while access numbers require the caller to input the extension number of the VoIP user.
Monday, November 26, 2007
CheaP laptoP
As commercial sales of One Laptop Per Child's XO laptop close Monday, a user tracking the nonprofit effort said continued commercial availability of the laptop could benefit OLPC's nonprofit effort, the XO manufacturer and children using it as a learning tool.
Gabriel Morales, a technology enthusiast in Miami, feels so passionately about distributing the laptop commercially that he has set up a Web site,, to drum up public support for continued commercialization.
After several years of pilot tests and attempts to reduce manufacturing costs, OLPC's XO laptops went on sale Nov. 12 through its Give One Get One program, in which two laptops can be purchased for about US$400, with a user getting one laptop and the other being donated.
Morales said a direct sales model works best for OLPC, as it covers the overhead cost of manufacturing XOs and in-store sales could yield more potential buyers. Bigger distribution will attract developers to XO's "Sugar" open-source Linux interface, which could lead to more educational applications for children to use as learning tools, Morales said.
But it is XO's innovative hardware that will attract users, Morales said.
Using a handcrank, pedal or pull-string, the laptop doesn't rely on an electrical outlet to run, making it useful for situations where power is unreliable or unavailable. The laptop also runs longer than a traditional unit-- up to 21 hours-- thanks to its custom-designed, efficient power-saving features implemented at the hardware and software level, Morales said.
For connectivity, users could take advantage of its mesh-networking features for Internet access and its ruggedness for road use. A mesh network could foster community and be a key tool in recovery efforts during disasters, Morales said.
Afflicted by production delays and rising costs, the XO has jumped from its original estimated price of $100 to $200. Such delays and rising costs would diminish with commercialization, because the manufacturer would be more willing to increase production due to lower risk, Morales said. That should be done without bringing on a situation where "developing countries are denied XO laptops because demand must be met in developed countries," Morales wrote in an entry on
However, XO laptops are not designed to work like commercial laptops, OLPC officials have insisted.
XO batteries are different from the ones in commercial laptops, which can sap up to 40 watts of power depending on usage, said OLPC's Chief Technology Officer Mary Lou Jepsen. The laptop's specially designed lithium-ferro phosphate battery consumes between 2 watts to 8 watts depending on usage, Jepsen said. Batteries in commercial laptops may explode at high temperatures, while XO's batteries can run and recharge in temperatures around 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius).
OLPC is also designing a cow-powered generator that works by hooking cattle up to a system of belts and pulleys.
As a nonprofit organization trying to help children, OLPC's mission is completely different from mainstream organizations, said Samir Bhavnani, an analyst with NPD Group. "The goal is to get technology in the hands of those that cannot afford it," Bhavnani said. A price drop of a laptop, targeted at normal consumers, won't impact the charter of OLPC, Bhavnani said.
"We're a nonprofit educational organization-- not a laptop retailer," said George Snell, an OLPC spokesman, in an e-mail statement.
taken from Yahoo
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Bdw, HTTrack is a free and open source website copier and offline browser by Xavier Roche..
Great, isn't..
Mungkin wat teman2 yang pengen browsing offline, dan belum taw carana.. bisa pake HTTrack.
Untuk link downloadnya.. bisa klik di sini
Setelah itu, install aja..
dan cara pakenya juga mudah kok, user friendly..
Tinggal klik2, terus sampe ke halaman, di mana kita harus ngisi alamat url atau web, yang mau kita simpan di dalam PC kita. Jangan lupa juga tentuin directory penyimpanan buat semua file2 yang hendak di download..
Kita tunggu aja sampe proses selesai dan ada tulisan finish..
yeah,, all d files yang maw kita liat tanpa perlu buka2 internet,, dah bisa kita langsung liat..
lumayan, buat hemat bandwidth.. ^^
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
*Sebenernya paling easy ya,, install ulang aja kale ya.. tapi sp taw ada data2 penting plus males banget install2 program lagee...... :P *
ProceXP adalah aplikasi yang dapat membaca proses yang berjalan dalam sistem Windows. Manfaatnya di sini, kita bisa mematikan proses yang menjalankan virus dalam komputer kita.
For download linknya klik aja Di Sini ^^.
Nah.. biasanya.. dalam beberapa kasus yang dah pernah saya c0ba.. masuk save mode.. then jalankan procexp. .klo keliataN ada proses viRuz yang lagee aktif.. (cari aja yang namanya aneh ) truzz.. langsung kill process tree... klo dah...
Langsung restore PC kita ke keadaan.. kira2 kapan tuh PC kena virusnYa..
Well.. kita bisa cek keadaan PC setelah restore dengan ngejalanin ProceXP lagee...
Kalu si Virus dah gak aktif ... berarti.. tinggal tugas kita ngeclean tuh virus dengan anti virus favorit kita...
Jangan lupa di update juga ya anti virusnYa..
Monday, November 19, 2007
Template 4 bloggeR
setelah browsing kesana kemari.. ada beberapa site bagus yang bisa Qta comot template2nya...
antara laen.. -->>
dan banyak lagi c.. kl0 anda dah tanya2 mbah google,, pasti jawabannya lebih banyak lagee.. :D
Met berkreasi yah.. dan saran laennya.. yaiTu.. muSti saBar... dan be creatiVe ajah...
Friday, November 16, 2007
Make Ur flasH baCkgroUnd
klo maw bikin tampilan isi flash Qta lebih asyIk.. neh ada tips buaT ngubah background,, warna tulisan dengan memanfaatkan file desktop.ini
Check it ouT :
pertama2,, klo belum punya file desktop.ini (klo ada mah tinggal copy paste aja ke flash disk) kita buat aja dengan text editor favorit kita, Notepad.
klo udah,, copy paste aja script di bawah ini..:
nah buat IconArea_Image kalian ganti tuh namanya.. sesuai dengan gambar apa yang mau dijadikan background..
misalnya nama filenya gambar.jpg scriptnya jadi gini -->
terus.. gambarnya juga mesti 1 lokasi lo..biar gak ribet..
klo yang IconArea_Text, itu buat ganti2 warna tulisan.
di bawah ada sedikit kode warna yang bisa kamu copy paste..
klo udah,, jangan lupa di save..!
namanya desktop.ini dengan save as typenya All Files ya...
Macem2 kode warna:
0x000FFF00 atau 0x000FF000 atau 0x0000FF0F= ijo
0x000FFFFF / 0x0000F0FF / = kuning
0x000000FF / 0xF00F00FF / 0xF00F00F0 / = merah
0x00FFFF00 = biru
0x00FFFFFF / 0x00F0FFFF / 0x0F0000F0= putih
0x00FF0FFF / 0xF0F00FF0 = ungu
0x00FF000F / 0x00FF0F0F = dark blue
0x00FFF000 / 0x00F0FF00 / 0x00F0FF0F = biru agak ijo
Moga2 bermanfaaT..^^ klo ada yg g jelas,, bisa PM
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
'Y!Multi Messenger'
This application will allow you to run multiple instances of Yahoo! Messenger instead of only having one open. This is perfect for those who run under several names. There are others out like this...but have an "update prompt", this does NOT have that! This is intended for the newest build of messenger and may not work properly on lower builds. Just run the install and then start using the Y!Multi Messenger icon that will appear on your desktop instead of the regular Yahoo! Messenger icon.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Versi Gres Ner0
Nero 8 menawarkan fungsi yang lebih sederhana untuk membakar disk CD, DVD, Blu-Ray dan HD DVD. Dibandingkan dengan kakaknya, ia dilengkapi dengan serangkaian fitur tambahan untuk melakukan table editing, sharing, creating, converting, ripping, dan burning. Ia juga dirancang untuk kompatibel dengan Windows Vista, selain sistem operasi Windows lawas seperti Windows 2000 SP4, Windows XP, dan Windows Server 2003.
Sebelumnya, versi pre-release Nero 8 emang sudah beredar, tapi dengan ukuran file yang mencapai 1 Gb. Nah, versi terbaru bisa dibilang lebih bersahabat -- lebih mudah diunduh begitU-- karena berukuran hanya 178 MB saja. Versi Mbayarnya dijual seharga 99,99 USD, tapi kabarnya harganya masih bisa turun sampai 79,99 USD... fiuhh
Thursday, October 25, 2007
---In The Rain---
Sedingin hatiku, Selvia, 20 tahun, melangkah sendiri tanpa tujuan di bawah derasnya hujan yang mengguyur, bagai menghajar bumi.
Pedih rasa hatiku saat ini. Orang selalu bilang, tak boleh, kita sebagai umat Tuhan menyesal. Tidak.. saat ini aku tidak menyesal, tetapi lebih tepatnya mengambil sesuatu dari apa yang telah hilang dariku. Tetapi di sudut hatiku, kuakui ada sedikit penyesalan.
Aku kehilangan cintaku, orang yang telah demikian memperhatikan dan menyayangi aku. Sudah dua tahun lebih berlalu. Aku hampir bisa melupakan kenangan-kenangan itu. Tetapi hatiku benar-benar tidak bisa sungguh-sungguh melupakannya,
Oh, dinginnya air hujan ini, menusuk kulitku. Basah menggigil tubuhku tapi aku hampir tak peduli. Langkah kakiku pun terhenti di sini, di depan kolam air mancur yang berpagar tinggi. Aku memandang ke dalam air kolam yang bergejolak itu. Tiba-tiba aku menangis. Tangis yang telah lama kupendam sendiri.
Terisak tangisku bercampur air hujan. Ya Tuhan, maafkan hamba-Mu yang kurang bersyukur ini. Tak seharusnya hamba-Mu ini melupakan akal sehat dan hanya mengumbar emosi. Seandainya waktu bisa kembali. Ah.. tidak mungkin..
Ya Tuhan, bimbing dan beri hamba-Mu ini jalan yang lurus.
Hatiku masih sesak.. aku pun berteriak ke arah kolam itu. "Aaarghh................!!!"
Teriakanku tak bisa mengalahkan suara derasnya hujan. Tapi aku sedikit lebih lega sekarang.
Dingin, lebih dingin lagi sekarang, dan aku melangkah mengitari kolam. Mungkin orang yang melihatku akan menganggapku tidak waras, tapi aku benar-benar tidak peduli. Saat ini pikiranku kacau sekali.
Kurang lebih, dua tahun yang lalu, aku tidak menyadari bahwa dialah Vega, orang yang benar-benar begitu berarti bagiku, aku belum menyadarinya, karena Arman yang baru saja datang dalam kehidupanku memaksaku untuk menerima cintanya. Saat itu hatiku keruh, kacau, dan bingung. Sementara Arman terus memaksa, aku pun tak tahan mendua. Aku ingin memilih salah satu saja. Dan akhirnya Armanlah pilihanku. Sepertinya saat itu aku benar-benar dibutakan oleh nafsu. Aku tak menyadari betapa Vega telah begitu baik padaku dan menyayangiku setulus hati. Dan memang benar, Arman cuma membuatku sebagai lampiasan nafsu. Pada akhirnya aku benar-benar membencinya sampai sekarang. Hubungan kami waktu itu cuma bertahan satu bulan. Arman bukan laki-laki yang baik buatku. Sering dia memnitaku untuk kembali padanya, tapi aku tak mau, tidak untuk kedua kali, cukup sudah.
Dan Vega,, sungguh aku telah benar-benar berdosa. Aku telah menyakiti hatinya yang bersih itu. Aku telah mengkhianatinya. Aku tak bisa mempertahankan komitmen dan janjiku bahwa aku akan membuatnya bahagia..
It was something stupid happened in my life.
Setetes air mataku jatuh lagi..Tuhan.. mengapa hati ini tidak bisa lepas darinya..? Aku yakin ia pasti sangat membenciku, Selvia, perempuan yang pernah menyakiti hatinya, menghancurkan harapan-harapannya,,
Tangisku lebih deras lagi sekarang..
Aku berpegangan pada pagar besi yang mengelilingi kolam itu.
"Maafkan aku...Vega.. Maafkan aku..."
Hujan pun mereda, tinggal gerimis saja, dan aku mendengar suara langkah kaki yang mendekati aku dengan cepat dari belakang.
"Hei.. Gila kamu ya,,udah tau ujan kok malah.."
Begitu aku menolehkan kepalaku kepadanya, kata-katanya langsung terhenti. Jantungku pun terasa berhenti berdetak sekarang. Vega! Ya Tuhan, apakah Engkau telah mengaturnya sedemikian rupa..?? Ya Tuhan,, apakah Engkau yang telah mengatur pertemuan ini..??
Tangisku semakin keras di antara hening, hanya rintik hujan berirama..
"Vega.. Maaf.. Maafin aku.." Keluar sudah kata-kata yang sejak dulu,, dua tahun yang lalu, ingin aku ungkapkan. "Aku benar-benar bodoh.. gak berguna.. cuma ngikutin nafsu,, Saat itu.. Sebenarnya,, aku.. masih.. masih sayang sama kamu.. Tapi .. aku bener-bener gak tau Veg, aku udah bener-bener dibutakan oleh nafsu dan keinginan sesaat.."
Tangisku pecah lagi.. Vega memandangku, dengan lembut dan sayang. Dua tahun tak bertemu, tetapi ia masih tetap sama dan semakin terlihat dewasa.
"Aku dihantui oleh rasa bersalah,, perasaan bahwa aku masih sayang sama kamu.. Bahwa dulu..kita,, gak seharusnya jadi kayak gini..Aku udah bener-bener nyakitin kamu.. Aku dosa banget Veg..."
Aku memalingkan wajahku darinya dan terisak sendiri, kupandangi kolam itu.
"Aku pantas Veg, kamu benci... aku cuma pengen kamu tahu bahwa aku bener-bener nyesel..tapi aku tahu.. ini semua udah terlambat.. Tapi dalam hatiku..aku gak bisa Veg nglupain kamu.. Maafin aku ya.."
Vega tersenyum, lalu ia meraih kepalaku, dan membawaku ke dalam pelukannya. Ia berkata, "Mungkin Tuhan sedang mencoba kita. Sebenarnya, entah kenapa, dua bulan ini aku teringat kamu terus selv.. Aku ga bisa tidur,, Dan kemaren akhirnya aku putusin buat balik ke Malang,, aku pengen nyari kamu,, Eh ga taunya malah ketemu kamu lagi ujan-ujanan gini disini.."
Tuhan, aku merasa begitu aman dan nyaman di pelukan Vega. Ia pun ngelanjutin kata-katanya.
"Aku maafin kamu Selv,, sekalipun emang bener kamu dulu udah ngehancurin hati aku, hidup aku.. Tapi, Selv.. aku masih sayang sama kamu.. Aku.. sama kayak kamu, gak bisa ngelupain kamu.."
Rasanya, hari ini bagaikan mimpi indah pertama, setelah mimpi burukku di hari-hari yang lalu. Perasaan ini tak bisa terungkapkan..Rasanya ringan sekali.. Kebahagiaan yang sejati..
Aku tersenyum memandang wajah Vega, Kuhapus air mataku,, Ya Tuhan terimakasih,, Engkau telah memberi hamba-Mu kesempatan yang sangat-sangat hamba-Mu nantikan..
"Aku udah bener-bener lega Veg, udah keluarin semuanya..yang di dalam hatiku ini.."
"Selv,, maukah kamu, bila kita mulai lagi dari awal.." Hening sejenak. "Aku sungguh-sungguh Selv, Biarpun kita bakal jarang ketemu.." Dia memandangku penuh harap.
Aku menghembuskan nafas.."Vega,, kamu bener-bener baik.." Aku menggelengkan kepalaku. "Nggak, enggak..kamu terlalu baik buat aku Veg.. Aku takut.. aku bakal nyakitin kamu lagi.."
Kami pun terdiam.
"Asalkan kita bisa saling percaya Selv.. Tak ada salahnya kita mencoba mulai lagi dari awal. Kamu harus bener-bener percaya aku, Aku juga begitu.." Vega berkata dengan sungguh-sungguh.
Aku sangat terharu,, bahagia.. Dan, Ya Tuhan, cinta hamba-Mu yang sempat hilang, akhirnya menemukan kembali jalannya.
*dedicated 4 mY firSt luV.. based on mY true storY,, buT with diffeRent endiNg..
PS : Don't ever think too much, but just do it, coz nothing's gonna turn back time.. If only I could..
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Settin9 handpHone as a moDeM via kaBel Data
Dan hanya beberapa saja yang pernah menggunakan handphone sebagai modem.
Yup,,, modem dengan handphone…
Apa aja sih syarat2nya???
Yang pertama yang pasti harus ada laptop atau PC yang digunakan untuk mengakses internet.
Yang kedua adalah perangkat perantara handphone dengan PC, misalnya kabel data, bluetooth adapter, atau infrared port.
Yang ketiga handphone, dengan syarat harus udah mendukung bearer untuk akses internet, yaitu ada fasilitas GPRS atau CDMA.
Untuk parameter sim card dan layanannya bisa dilihat di table berikut ini:
Kartu No Akses Username Password APN
Simpati *99***1# wap wap123 telkomsel
Halo *99***1# wap wap123 telkomsel
Matrix *99***1# (dikosongi) (dikosongi)
IM3 *99***1# gprs im3
XL *99***1# xlgprs proxl
Mentari *99***1# indosat indosat indosatgprs
Esia #777 esia Esia -
Fren #777 m8 m8 -
Telkomflexi #777 telkomnet@flexi telkom -
StarOne #777 Starone indosat -
And next...
Langkah2 yang perlu dilakukan untuk mengoperasikan handphone sebagai modem adalah:
Instalasi Perangkat Perantara
Apapun perantara yang digunakan, yang terpenting adalah bagaimana perangkat tersebut dapat dikenali oleh komputer.
Anda dapat memilih antara kabel data, bluetooth atau infrared.. Dari ketiganya disarankan untuk menggunakan kabel data, karena memiliki kecepatan tinggi dan stabilitas koneksi yang baik.
Berikut adalah cara setting Modem Hp Via KABEL DATA
1.Hubungkan HP dengan PC dengan kabel data. Pastikan instalasi drivernya berhasil dan hp dapat dikenali di komputer.
2.Pada control panel (PC), klik icon “Phone & Modem Option”
3.Akan keluar kotak dialog yang meminta info lokasi. Isikan ; country = Indonesia ; area code = 1
4.Pilih tab modems, bila instalasi berhasil secara otomatis HP anda akan ada dalam list modems.
5.Pilih tab advanced, isikan command sebagai berikut :
* Untuk sim card GSM, gunakan command
AT+CGDCONT=1,”IP”, --> untuk sesuai dengan APN simcard
APN tergantung dari SIM CARD yang digunakan
* Untuk sim card CDMA :
Kalau sudah klik OK.
6.Kembali ke PC, klik icon network connection
7.Create new connection, klik next connect to the internet, next setup my connection manually, next connect using a dial up modem, next Pilih modem yang diinginkan next.
8.Masukkan ISP name (diisi teserah) Misalnya bila menggunakan sim card XL, diisi XL BEBAS
9.Isikan no akses seperti yang tertera pada tabel (sesuai dengan sim card yang digunakan).
10.Isikan parameter username dan password seperti tertera pada tabel.
Setting modem dengan handphone telah selesai.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
I'll reaCh mY dreaMs... mY staR,, even in an0ther sKy
Life just make me choose
I don't want to be wrong
Even I don't know,, am I do right?
I dReam ab0ut tHat in many niGhts
I thinK ab0uT thaT... it makes me mad
But I Must give mY choice
I muSt ...
I have decide
I'll reach mY dreams..
My staR
even in another skY
that didn't look so nice
I will prove mYself
I can make it..
I will make it..
For mY life,,,
Monday, October 1, 2007






Keep Our Friendship, don't let it die until the end of time..
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Hi...thiz my first post ^^
thiz blog, I have made to share everything that I know, everything that I like and also I have learned especially about information technology, my diploma study. But sometimes all the knowledge comes from the experience, didn't? and yeah, I would like to share another things to, about what I like (I hope that u would like to), so keep watching here ok!!
I hope that everyone visit this blog will get any advantages, and also, I would like all of u to get know me,,
Just contact me to my mail or my messenger at gtalk to me at
"Life is full of experience, don't ever stop to learN! and we will get much better if we can share to each other"