Thursday, December 27, 2007

Ngambil File Flash from InterneT

after all.. getting tired of English,, hahaha...

gw mau share ilmu neh,,

suatu pagi,, Pak Prima, guru paling banyol klo ngomong di STM nanya,, "mbak,, yeopo carane ambil file2 flash dari web site?!"

langsung gw search sana sini..

dan get many ways..

ok cara pertama :

Bila kamu pake IE, ketika km buka web yang banyak file2 flashnya,, maka secara otomatis tuh file flash kesimpen di lokasi sistem C:\Documents and Settings\(nama user)\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files, pergi aja ke siTu..

nah disiTu pasti banyak file2 aneh2.. dengan berbagai macem extensi... langsung ae cari yang mana file dengan format swf..?? dan copy paste ke mana kamu maw simpen tuh file2..

dan coba de buka,, file flash sudah ada di tangan anda..

Dan cara ke 2..

pake software :

ne maybe wat yang g terlalu suka pake IE yah,,

ada macem2 software > example :
1. saveflash
2. flash hunter
3. flash saver

nah yang sempet gw coba kemaren yang nomer 3,, yah,, lumayan ok punya juga tuh..
free ware juga..

download linknya ne ya >> Flash saver

cara jalanin programe juga gampang kok..

tinggal masukin ae alamat url tempat km maw rampok file2 flashnya, dan setelah detect.. dicentangin aja file2nya yang maw di ambil, dan download dah,,, dy otomatis akan nyimpen file2 flash di C:\my flashes.

Jadi ati2 aJa yang maybe PC-nya di deep freeze, harap pindah dulu file2 flashnya ke D: atw E:, ataw non aktifin aja yang namanya Deep Freeze tuh..

ok sekian,,, klo maybe ada tambahan,, PM me yak..

Friday, December 14, 2007

Super Pinger

Super Pinger is not a freeware but a share ware..

Here is the download link.

It's use to detect any connection of the computer that we use as a network. We ussually us a ping command at windows command prompt. And it's limited to a few host .

Ping feature at Windows that we run is not satisfied enough if we wanna use it to detect our connection with many computers at a time.

And, for that purpose, we need one application that we can run at windows. It's called Super Pinger. With Super Pinger, we can detect our connection with host at a network, the place we operate our computer at a time and with many computers.

The used of super pinger gives so many advantages to people who were at networkbecause the feature that include at this program are quite a lot. Besides that this program is not make the system running slow.

How to operate Super Pinger??

After the download and the install process..Run the program..

Click option add ip, enter the ip address of your network. Re run the command until finish enter all the ip address. After that run the process of checking any connection with ping, click menu service --> start service.

To stop the service, click stop service at the menu service.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Blog for teacher

Well.. blogger is booming now,, It's just like a trend of an easy way to build our home page..

And,, It's so good for Indonesian that so many pe0ple that related in education can use it for a place to share their information.. every little thing! Especially to teacher,, as an important key for eduction in Indonesia...

and there are so much advantages that it gives... the example is...

- it's effective as a place to make a creation
- simple, easy and free...(it's important right.. =P)
- elegant, it's a polite media to share any of human creation

And why teacher needs to blog...??

Teacher often be left behind form the student, as an ability to operate internet, computer, and everything that based on information and communication technology..


For the teacher,, Lets use blog for sharing...

Here is one example for blog to teacher... ^^

Well.. Not only Computer teacher that can make a blog...

Every teacher can blogs...!! So .. let's blogging..;)

Saturday, December 1, 2007


One more from the seminar,, eXe (eLearning XHTML Editor Project)

Here is the download link.. (I guess all of U from the education basic will like it.. )

The eXe project is developing a freely available Open Source authoring application to assist teachers and academics in the publishing of web content without the need to become proficient in HTML or XML markup. eXe can export content as self-contained web pages or as SCORM 1.2 or IMS Content Packages.

This project has been funded by a grant from the New Zealand Government and led by the University of Auckland, The Auckland University of Technology, and Tairawhiti Polytechnic. It has also been greatly assisted by a global group of participants and contributors.

eXe was named a finalist in the New Zealand round of the IMS Global Learning Impact Awards, automatically entering it in the 2008 international competition.

The eXe project aimed to foster collaborative development involving a representative group drawn from the New Zealand tertiary sector. Strategic direction and feature development have essentially been guided by this group. The decision to develop eXe as an Open Source initiative offered the development a number of benefits. A major benefit with taking this decision has been the ability to tap into the extensive global developer community which is constantly driving the development of new technologies.

Releasing developments frequently through the Eduforge development project site has seen serious interest generated from the wider global elearning development community who have keenly tested and offered support and advice on the software throughout its development to date.